Hello there! The following series is a kind of journal of our adventure with game development. If you want to take part in it and find out what exactly we do to move our titles towards their premiers, check back regularly! Cheers!
Core Mechanics improvements goes on
No surprise here, but for the sake of diligence, we must mention it. We are still working on improving and upgrading the core mechanics and features of the game Although it is long and demanding work, the awesome effects we see in our tests give us the kick to carry on! We are really pleased with the results achieved, and when we finally finish polishing these elements, Gimle will take on a completely new look. We can’t wait for that to happen! More information coming soon!
Welcome to the Village!
Gimle is a dangerous world full of monsters, undead creatures and wild beasts. It should come as no surprise, then, that the safest places are large, fortified cities full of guards and torches dispelling the darkness. Despite this state of affairs, this amazing land is full of villages – not everyone can afford to dwell in a relatively safe city and many people have to live by working their own hands They cultivate the land and take good care of their orchards to feed themselves and their families. During your adventure, you are sure to visit numerous and very varied villages. It is time to meet their inhabitants!
Before starting their work, our graphic designers got acquainted with the outfits worn by Vikings in X and XI century With the use of the NPCs appearances, we wanted to convey the true Nordic vibe of our game… and what inspiration is better than the history itself? Therefore, the male villagers are dressed in tunics, baggy pants, leather belts, and wraps around their calves. Women, on the other hand, wear colorful, loose dresses and loincloths. Villagers’ outfits may not be too rich and impressive, but they fulfill their role perfectly, keep them warm, and do not interfere with their every-day work!
Builders of Greece
Citizens Animations
Just see how careful and diligent our dear citizen is! Working with delicate clay pots is not the easiest thing – one false move and all the tedious work can be ruined! A painter, being aware of this fact, carefully sits down on his bench and dips the brush into the paint While animating this character, we wondered what we ourselves would look like during such a work. The painter looks at the vase from different angles, makes fixes and corrections, and uses gentle brush strokes.
Does he look realistic? Does he really seem committed to his job? We hope that you will share your opinions on this on our Discord server or Social Media channels. Any feedback is most welcomed! There are also many other professions in the pipeline, and we will be able to show you them really soon!
Ranged Military Units
You better get some cover! The Slingers and Toxotai are here! If you hear whistling rocks and arrows just above your head, know that you’re in trouble. Today, we’re introducing you to two new ranged units, whose task is to flood enemies with a barrage of projectiles from a safe distance
The simpler and less advanced one is the Slinger – a commoner wearing a simple tunic, a bullet pouch, and a deadly slingshot. And although at first glance the Slinger does not seem to have any real influence on the course of great battles, you should not underestimate him The stone he fires can fly a really long distance and accelerate to great speed. Woe to those who stand in its way! The undeniable advantage of this unit is its low recruitment cost – when a crisis hits you, you will be able to quickly hire numerous Slingers squads and swiftly respond to the threat.
Toxotai, on the other hand, uses a bow and arrows, weapons whose effectiveness has been proven over hundreds of years An experienced squad is able to shower the enemy with arrows and significantly reduce his ranks. Toxotai wears a tunic (just like Slingers), but is also equipped with a short sword and a wooden shield. It is a versatile, though rather poorly armored unit.
Even More buildings at your disposal
Even the most experienced soldiers feel a shudder of fear on their backs when they see the lines of cavalry in front of them. Fast, powerful, agile, and deadly dangerous – this is how one can briefly describe mounted warriors who are considered to be one of the best units in the entire ancient world That being said, we must remember that every rider needs a trusted horse that he will sit on. And this is where the Cavalry Stable that delivers war horses proves its usefulness! It is a solid, two-story building, very different from ordinary stables. As you can see, all of the mounts have their own rest cells and a training ground where they can develop their strength and discipline. Beware, infantry!
It is here that the brightest minds of your city gather. Scholars meditate among the walls of the Academy in order to develop new solutions and technologies In fact, no city aspiring to become a local power can do without its own Academy. As you can see, it is a quite a large and beautiful building with a wide colonnade, colorful frescoes, and numerous statues. Simply the perfect place for a long, fruitful contemplation and discussions!